To celebrate the launch of their ‘V Power Fuels’, Shell hosted an event at Battersea Power Station. Two gleaming white 14m Inflatable Domes were installed to host the event and highlight the innovative nature of their new fuel against the traditional background of the old power station.
The Brief
Shell wanted a unique inflatable venue that would highlight the innovative nature of their ‘V Power Fuels’, projecting a futuristic feel against the backdrop of Battersea Power Station to convey Shell’s vision of new generation structures with a new generation fuel. Shell chose Inflatable Structures as the main contractor for this project because of the complete range of services we offer including comprehensively designed, engineered and weatherproof inflatable structures; detailed engineering reports; a reputation for reliability; and overall cost effectiveness.
The Challenge
Because of the venue, timescales for this project were a priority, and the structure had to be erected and dismantled within a relatively small time frame. We designed and manufactured two fully customised 14m inflatable domes with joining tunnels. These were erected on site within 6 hours complete with full entrance/exit doorways, flooring, carpeting and lighting, i.e. well within the required time.
The Event
Thanks to our expert engineering, manufacturing and installation, the project was completed on time, and Shell’s ‘V Power Fuels’ launch went off without a hitch. The two white domes gave a fantastic contemporary contrast against the backdrop of the Power Station, true to Shell’s vision … and everything was delivered right on time.